Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Vol.2: Genesis and Early Man
Chapter 1. The Rationale of Cultural
Chapter 2. Illustrations From
Other Cultures
Chapter 3. Illustrations From
Publishing History:
1971 Doorway paper No. 19, published
privately by Arthur C. Custance
1975 Part VII in Genesis and Early Man, vol.2 in The Doorway
Papers Series, published by Zondervan Publishing Company
1997 Arthur Custance Online Library (html)
2001 2nd Online Edition (corrections, design revisions)
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book and quite a few papers have been written exploring the light
which the customs of other cultures throw upon many passages
of Scripture, especially in the Old Testament. But almost all
of these have concerned themselves primarily with peoples from
the Middle East area, both ancient and modern.
For example, H. B. Tristram in
1894 published a volume entitled, Eastern Customs in Bible
Lands. (1)
It can still be obtained in secondhand bookstores and is a thoroughly
worthwhile book to read, shedding a great deal of light on both
the Old and New Testaments, and on the beliefs of the Jewish
people particularly in the time of our Lord. In 1896, a very
well-known Oriental scholar of that day, Hormuzd Rassam, presented
a paper before the Victoria Institute in London. (2) This, too, is full of interesting
observations. Much more recently, Ernest Gordon in 1945 contributed
an article in The Sunday School Times entitled, "Light
on the Old Testament from Primitive Society." (3)
All of these have this in common,
that they deal with people who in one way or another have shared
in the historical stream of events which form the immediate background
of the biblical record. To my knowledge there has been no serious
attempt to show how primitive and advanced cultures which have
not shared this common background have nevertheless developed
patterns of cultural behaviour which shed unexpected light on
many parts of Scripture. Now and then one will run across casual
comments in a work such as
1. Tristram, H. S., Eastern Customs in
Bible Lands, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1894.
2. Rassam, Hormuzd, "On Biblical Lands, Their Topography,
Races, Regions, Languages, and Customs, Ancient and Modern,"
Transactions of the Victoria Institute, London, vol.30,
1896-97, p. 29-85.
3. Gordon, Ernest, "Light on the Old Testament from Primitive
Society," The Sunday School Times, Nov. 3, 1945,
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Livingstone's Travels
in Africa, (4)
or Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, (5) but nobody has thought to pull together this kind
of incidental commentary on the Scriptures into a single essay.
The only exception to this is a
volume such as Barton's Archaeology and the Bible, (6) which gives numerous references
to cultural parallelisms in the Middle Eastern literary texts
such as legal codes, collections of stories, poems, and prayers,
and religious documents of various kinds, both in Cuneiform and
hieroglyphics. For this reason we have not included any illustrations
from such contiguous sources. The material of this Doorway Paper
has been derived almost entirely from records of cultural behaviour
which owe little or nothing directly to Middle East tradition.
This is not a Paper which one would
ordinarily read straight through as a continuing text, but rather
a source of reference. A few of the comments do not deal strictly
with cultural parallels but were felt to be intriguing enough
to justify their inclusion -- and it is not too likely that the
average reader would discover them otherwise.
This collection of comments has
simply grown by accretion from a fairly wide range of studies
which have taken me into the highways and byways of biblically
and non-biblically oriented literature over the past 35 years
or so. Hence the reader should understand that this material
did not result, strictly speaking, from a study of Scripture
itself, though by investigating some particular passage listed
in the Index, he will often find a great deal of information
on Scripture. This kind of material was rather extracted from
studies of primitive people made in depth by anthropologists
who lived with them for a time. In many instances the writer
was not aware of the fact that he was shedding interesting light
on Scripture. In a few cases the parallelisms are not precise
but reflect the underlying philosophy of the biblical pattern
and to this extent help one to understand better. Some things
that people did in the Old Testament seem, if not unforgivable,
at least somewhat cruel, and yet when the underlying philosophy
is illuminated by reference to some other culture, the situation
often appears in a much less unfavourable light.
4. Livingstone, David, Missionary Travels
and Researches in South Africa, Harper, New York, 1858, xxiv
and 732 pages.
5. Lubbock, Sir John, The Origin of Civilization, Appleton,
New York, 1882.
6. Barton; George A., Archaeology and the Bible, The American
Sunday School Union, Philadelphia, 1916.
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Copyright © 1988 Evelyn White. All rights
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