Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Vol.3: Man in Adam and in Christ
Chapter 1. The Spiritual Nature of
the Physical World
Chapter 2. The Ubiquity of Mindedness
Chapter 3. The Two Species of Homo
Publishing History:
1972 Doorway paper No. 60, published privately
by Arthur C. Custance
1975 Part VIII in Man in Adam and in Christ, vol.3 in The
Doorway Papers Series, published by Zondervan Publishing Company
1997 Arthur Custance Online Library (html)
2001 2nd Online Edition (corrections, design revisions)
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The old species . . .
thought has been long accustomed to view humanity as a tree,
and of necessity the wormwood in the root imparts its bitter
taste to the sap in all its branches. The corruption of our first
parents infects their whole progeny.
Cynddylan Jones, 1897 (1)
And the new. . .
To the outward
view the Church may appear to be merely a rather queer gathering
of very miscellaneous men and women, inexplicably preoccupied
with old fashioned ceremonies, strangely excited about apparently
irrelevant issues, and patently failing to live in accordance
with the ideals of human life in which they profess to believe.
But in its inner reality the Church is the re-created human race.
L. Mascall, 1958 (2)
a somewhat new approach to a study of the nature of the Body
of Christ, the Body of the Second Adam � which is the Church.
We are re-examining the structure of this Body by contrasting
it with the Body of the First Adam formed of his descendants;
and are suggesting that these two "bodies" of people
are, in a very special but very real way, two distinct species
of Homo sapiens. And like any other two species, they
are also fundamentally incompatible with each other. This does
not seem to be a very original idea in itself, but the line of
thought which leads up to the conclusion has rather intriguing
Essentially, my thesis involves
a somewhat new conception of what constitutes a species. I
am proposing that the evidence from a number of lines of independent
research is increasingly tending
1. Jones, J. Cynddylan, Primeval Revelation,
Hodder and 8toughton, London, 1897, p.262.
2. Mascall, E. L., The Importance of Being Human, Columbia
University Press, New York, 1958, p.104.
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toward the view that
the basic reality behind the physical world is a spiritual one,
as Scripture says it is. Consciousness is not an epiphenomenon
of matter, as the mechanists would like us to believe, but matter
may well be an epiphenomenon of consciousness, a kind of "congealed"
consciousness, spirit at a lower level of expression.
And I suggest that a species, by
definition, is not merely a group of living things with a common
genetic endowment, but a "body" of individuals with
a psychic unity. The basis of speciation, which must appear to
the geneticist to be physical, just as the basis of mind may
appear to the neurophysiologist to be brain, is in
reality, and more bindingly, psychical or spiritual. Indeed,
it seems likely that psychic unity is the basic reality by which
animals, in Nature, recognize their own kind. How far this psychic
unity penetrates into a living organism is explored in this Paper.
It seems likely that it extends even down to the recognition
of one kindred cell by another.
Thus it is possible that the experience
of the new birth actually has, for the child of God, the real
effect of reconstituting the individual as a member of an entirely
new species. As such, while the Christian may still associate
with and work in harmony with the old species of Homo sapiens
("this world," as the New Testament has it), he
is nevertheless "not of this world." Indeed, in reality
he has been constituted a member of the original species
of Homo sapiens which disappeared when man sinned, but
which is now being re-created. When man fell, he sinned into
being a new and alien species that is not truly "man"
as God at the first constituted him.
This then is the new Body, the
"cells" of which are truly human "cells,"
corporately making up the Body of Christ of which He forms the
Head � as fallen Adam forms the head of the old species.
Any attempt on the part of the Christian to realign himself with
the old species must be as unsuccessful and unsatisfying, and
indeed improper, as would be any attempt made by a member of
one species in the animal world to identify with any other species.
Rejection will occur on both sides at crucial points of experience.
The "marriage" cannot succeed because the basic reality
underlying speciation is not physical but non-physical -- in
the case of animals below man, psychical; in the case of man,
This thesis is explored in some
detail and it is shown to be entirely in harmony with the plain
statements of the New Testament. It also sheds light on some
recent findings relating to the study of the behaviour of cells
and unicellular animals.
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Copyright © 1988 Evelyn White. All rights
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