Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part V: The Trinity in the Old Testament
Chapter 8
Some Conclusions
story of the creation of man and the Garden of Eden, the conversations
of God with man and the personal encounters of the Lord with
Adam and Eve, it will be seen from the type used in the Authorized
Version that it was the Lord Jesus Christ. Virtually every verse
from Genesis 2:4 following makes this clear. Thus it was Jesus
with whom Adam and Eve talked personally. It was Jesus whom Abraham
entertained that memorable evening in Genesis 18:1ff. It was
Jesus with whom Jacob wrestled (Genesis 32:30). It was Jesus
whom Moses talked with face to face (Exodus 33:11 and Numbers
12:7,8) and with whom the Israelites shared their first communion
(Exodus 24:10,11). It was Jesus who met Joshua (Joshua 5:13-6:2).
It was Jesus who spoke to Manoah about Samson (Judges 13:21,22).
It was Jesus whom Micaiah saw (1 Kings 22:19) and whom David
encountered (2 Chron. 3:1). It was the same Lord whose glory
Isaiah saw, and later on, Amos also (Amos 9:1). To repeat, no
man hath seen God the Father (John 1:18), but many saw God the
Son. Is it any wonder, then, that the Lord Jesus should say in
the day that He entered into a body specially prepared for Him
at the time of His incarnation, "Lo, I come -- in the volume
of the book it is written of me" (Hebrews 10:7). Where in
the volume of the Book is it not written of Him?
Since it is this same Lord who
continually spoke with men and guided and protected His chosen
ones, there was a peculiar force to His reply to the Pharisees
who challenged His words, when He said (John 5:47), "If
ye believe not his [Moses'] writings, how shall ye believe my
words?" For after all, Moses' writings were His words.
With such a key, the reading of
Scripture may well become a new adventure. If the reader will
substitute the words "Lord Jesus"
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in the Old Testament
in all those places in which according to the above principles
of interpretation the substitution is appropriate, he will become
luminously aware of the presence of the three Persons of the
Godhead throughout the Old Testament and if the reader will with
equal appropriateness substitute the simple word "God"
for the words "Lord Jesus" in reading the Gospels,
he will suddenly become aware of the magnitude of the Lord's
condescension to suffer what He did at the hands of men -- for
our sake.
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Copyright © 1988 Evelyn White. All rights
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