Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part VI: A Fresh Look at the Meaning
of the Word "Soul".
Chapter 4
A Crucial Test
said in the three previous chapters meets a crucial test in the
Incarnation. A study of certain passages which deal with this
great mystery sheds a wonderful light on this particular aspect
of the subject (see also "The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation",
Part IV in this volume).
I never cease to wonder at the
care which God has exercised in appointing the exact words to
be used by those who were engaged in setting forth key theological
statements in Scripture. The precision with which such statements
are made is truly profound, and because of it the study of Scripture
is likely to be the more rewarding as it is the more conscientious
and reverent. Let me illustrate this by putting together several
passages which give us some light on this greatest of all mysteries,
the Incarnation.
In Isaiah 9:6 it is written,
For unto us a Child is born,
unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His
shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor,
the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
And in Hebrews
10:5-7 we are given a picture of the scene in heaven which immediately
preceded the appearance of the Lord upon earth as Mary's first-born
Child. It is written,
Wherefore when He cometh into
the world, He saith, Sacrifice and offering Thou wouldest not,
but a body hast thou prepared me.
In burnt-offerings and sacrifices
for sin Thou hast had no pleasure.
Then said I, Lo, I come (in the
volume of the book it is written of Me) to do Thy will, O God.
These two passages
are complementary. In Hebrews we are informed by revelation that
when the body which Mary carried in her
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womb was fully prepared
(verse 5) -- a Greek word which means more than is conveyed by
the single English word "prepared" and implies rather
absolute perfection -- then the announcement was made in heaven
in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. He replied at once,
"Lo, I come to do thy will, O God." The burnt offerings
and sacrifices of the Old Covenant had not satisfied; something
more was needed, and this something was to be fulfilled by One
whose coming had been repeatedly foretold in the volume of the
Now this specially prepared body
was conceived by the Holy Ghost, but until it had received its
own spirit it could never be more than a perfectly formed body.
For all its perfection it must be stillborn. From whence was
the spirit for it to be derived?
Before the Incarnation, the Lord
Jesus Christ was pure spirit, able to assume material form in
the theophanies of the Old Testament (see "The Trinity in
the Old Testament", Part V in this volume), but nevertheless
essentially of one substance with the Father. It will be noticed
that in all those passages which refer to a relationship of Father
and Son, between God and the Lord Jesus, the reference in the
Old Testament is to the future, "I will be to him a Father
and he shall be to me a Son" (1 Chronicles 17:10-14, literal
translation). It is not until we enter the New Testament that
the future tense gives way to the present tense.
The exact moment at which this
transition takes place is given specifically in Hebrews 1:5:
For unto which of the angels
said He at any time, Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten
Note that it
is said "this day." In verse 6 this is reiterated
and the time made even more specific with the words, "when
he bringeth the first-begotten into the world." We can,
therefore, put these passages together, with one or two others
to be mentioned, and we have this picture: When Mary's full time
was come (Galatians 4:4) God sent forth the Lord Jesus Christ
to be the spirit which would render that perfect little body
a living soul. Thus "the Child was born" and, at the
same instant "the Son was given," and this is exactly
what is stated in Isaiah 9:6. At that moment, that very day when
He brought the first-begotten into the world, the relationship
which had been predicted as future in the Old Testament became
present in the New, and "I will be to him a Father"
became "Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee."
When "that holy thing" (Luke 1:35) received its proper
spirit -- none other than the Lord Jesus Christ who had spent
eternity with God (John 1:1,2) -- there appeared in the world
God's Holy Child Jesus (Acts 4:27). The Holy Thing had become
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Holy Child. The wonder
of it is that when that little baby drew its first breath, God
had become man.
How beautifully the Word of God
has been hedged about, that the events of that memorable day
may be as fully understood as our finite minds are able to do
so. The Son was "given." Transcending even the usual
understanding we have of the word "given" with reference
to Calvary in John 3:16, the term has a twofold meaning: given
at the time of the Incarnation and given again at the time of
the Crucifixion. God twice gave His Son.
I think we may conclude from this
three things. First, in the Incarnation, the Person of the Lord
Jesus appeared in human form when a purely spiritual being was
given to a purely material body. Then emerged the soul to which
reference is made in such passages as John 12:27 ("Now is
my soul troubled") and Matthew 26:37 ("my soul is exceeding
sorrowful. . ."). Secondly, that the time of this emergence
of the soul coincided with the moment the spirit was given to
the body, and not before. And the spirit was given to the body
only when the body had come to completion, i.e., was perfectly
prepared for it. And thirdly, that the relationship of Father
to Son was established that very day. The relationship previously
had been one of absolute equality which did not involve the implications
of greater and lesser. Fatherhood and sonship inevitably introduce
this concept of greater and lesser, as indicated in the statement
made by the Lord (in John 14:28), "My Father is greater
than I." Prior to this we read only of "God with God,"
a relationship which allowed of no such distinctions. The wonder
of it all is that in spite of the new relationship no surrender
of this absolute equality was involved, for it required the fullest
exercise of His deity at all times to maintain whatever had to
be surrendered for a season in order to assume the position of
Sonship. Only absolute Deity can humble itself and maintain this
humiliation (Philippians 2:8), so that in some mysterious way
the assumption of a momentary humiliation required, if anything,
an even greater display of divine power. From all this it does
not appear that in the greatest of all births there is any contradiction
of our thesis that the soul emerges when the spirit is given
to the body, not before, and that this is coincident with the
drawing of the first breath. In Isaiah 53:12 we are told that
He "hath poured out his soul unto death." In the New
Testament we are told that He dismissed His spirit. These two
events were simultaneous, the soul departing when the spirit
returned into God's hands. Perhaps it should be noted that the
very form of the Lord's words, "Father, into Thy hands I
commend my spirit," could only have come from One who had
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of His own free will
just sufficient of His infinite power in order to become man,
and as man depend upon God to care for His spirit when it ceased
to indwell His body until it should again be united with it.
Though He never ceased to be God, He could not now ever cease
to be man. From the morning of the Resurrection until this day
there has always existed in heaven one whole and perfect man
-- body, soul, and spirit -- to whose image we shall be conformed
and who thereby is constituted the true first-born of the family
of God.
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Copyright © 1988 Evelyn White. All rights
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