Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Vol.5: The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation
Papers in this volume, all related to a single theme: the redemption
of man by the offering of the body of Christ, once for all.
Since these Papers were first published
between 1957 and 1971, much additional information has become
available. This new data in no way detracts from the basic thesis
presented here. Not a few aspects of the subject which were still
unexplored when these papers were being written have now been
elucidated in wonderful ways, and some things in this volume
that were speculative have now been demonstrated.
But it was felt better, in view
of cross references in the other Papers in this series, to present
these essays as they were originally written, except for a few
corrections respecting the spelling and some minor re-writing
to improve sentence structure here and there.
The penalty in any field of accelerating
research is that almost any attempt to synthesize the data over
a broad field is likely to appear "dated" by the time
it appears in book form. In due course, my thesis will be updated
and further elaborated.*
The first Paper, "Longevity
in Antiquity," is a consideration of the evidence that man
was initially created possessing the potential for endless life,
continuing without ever experiencing death. In the light of present
knowledge there is no longer any reason to doubt that physical
immortality is possible. A study of the historical evidence,
moreover, bears out the fact that in the earliest periods of
human history, even fallen man still retained enough of the initial
energy in Adam, as created, to be able to live on for centuries
before dying. The traditions of extreme longevity in early times
are well-nigh universal and are almost certainly a reflection
of a fact.
* See Custance, Arthur C., Seed of the
Woman, Doorway Publications, Hamilton, Ontario, 1980, 604
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second Paper, "The Nature of the Forbidden Fruit,"
deals with the identity of the possible poison which may have
entered the bodies of Adam and Eve from the forbidden fruit and
introduced death into human experience. Moreover, this poisoning
was an acquired characteristic and inherited, a circumstance
which tells us some very important things about this mortogenic
factor itself. Early Jewish, pagan, and Christian traditions
regarding the identity of the Tree of Knowledge shed some further
light upon this aspect of man's Fall.
The third Paper, "If Adam
Had Not Died," explores in greater detail the possibility
of physical immortality and some of the consequences which would
have ensued if Adam and Eve had not partaken of the forbidden
fruit, but had lived on century after century -- and their children
after them, likewise. Would the world have been buried under
the burden of an ever multiplying population of immortals? Or
was there another alternative? Particular attention is given
to the nature of Adam's temptation as opposed to that of Eve
showing that it was, in fact, such a temptation as no other ordinary
man has ever faced throughout the course of human history.
The fourth Paper, "The Virgin
Birth and the Incarnation," moves on to the genetic consequences
of the acquired character already mentioned, and how God has
established laws of reproduction and inheritance to make possible
the appearance of a Second Adam as the Redeemer, in the person
of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is seen that the virgin birth plays
an absolutely fundamental role in the plan of redemption.
The fifth Paper, "The Trinity
in the Old Testament," follows next quite logically because
it shows how this Redeemer, called Lord, was in fact none other
than the Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Creator of the world
and of man. The existence of more than one person m the Godhead
as revealed by many statements in the Old Testament is brought
out in a new and wonderful way. Only if the Redeemer was God
Himself made man could He satisfy the demands of the role. For
He who is to be a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice for
the sins of that innumerable host of the redeemed, must be more
than a mere man, how ever perfect such a man might be -- if He
is to bear the sins of many.
The sixth Paper, "The Nature
of the Soul," deals with a sensitive issue, but forms an
essential part of this study, if we are to achieve some understanding
of the chain of events which signalled the birth of the Saviour
at the tremendous moment in the history of the
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universe when the Lord
came down from His glory and entered that little body so "perfectly
prepared" (Hebrews 10:5) and the Word became flesh and dwelt
among men. Surprisingly, God has in a wonderful way graciously
illuminated that unique moment for us in certain passages of
Scripture that are not always linked together as they should
The seventh Paper, "How Did
Jesus Die?" moves forward to the fact of the Lord's death,
examining the circumstances surrounding it -- not in this case
as a theological event, but rather as a biological event,
seeking to penetrate into certain factors involved in the Crucifixion
which are not usually dealt with in most commentaries. The meaning
of this death, which is quite without parallel in the whole of
human history, is of special significance because it was a physiological
event of absolutely unique character in a very specific way.
The title of this paper indicates that the burden of its subject
is not the why but the how of the Lord's death.
The eighth Paper, "The Resurrection
of Jesus Christ," naturally deals with the next step in
the divine drama, for the work of the Lord's death was not completed
until God had set His seal of satisfaction upon it and raised
Him bodily from the grave. But other important things depended
upon His bodily resurrection and even upon the form which His
body took afterwards. The three days and the three nights spent
in the grave had special significance also. Nothing was accidental:
God's plan is perfect and to the child of God perfectly satisfying
and fully reassuring.
The final Paper, "The Unique
Relationship Between the First and the Last Adam," shows
how wonderfully all these events really did hinge upon the nature
of the two Adams, the First and the Last, thus creating a unique
relationship between them both physically and experientially.
As is seen from other Papers appearing
in these volumes, the very universe itself seems to have been
designed and created for just such a plan as this.
The reader should
bear in mind that each of these Papers was previously published
separately by the author, and therefore there is some repetition
of material.
Author's Note: In a number of places the author
who holds an M.A. in biblical Greek and Hebrew, while relying
essentially on the King James Version of the Bible, has changed
words where he feels some clarification of the Elizabethan English
might be helpful on the basis of his study of the original languages.
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Copyright © 1988 Evelyn White. All rights
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