About the Book
Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Vol.7: Hidden Things of God's Revelation
Part II
The Necessity of Four Gospels:
Contradictions an Essential Part of Revelation
Chapter 1. The Nature of Contradictions
Chapter 2. Which Portrait is the
True One?
Chapter 3. The Basis of a True "Harmony"
Appendix Further Examples
from the Gospels
The harmony existing in the
New Testament is not sufficiently manifest
on the surface to have been the product of designing men:
it is far more profound than the inelastic verbal agreement of
mere copyists.
Publishing History:
1969: Doorway Paper No. 26/27, published privately by Arthur
C. Custance
1977: Part II in Hidden Things of God's Revelation, vol.7, The
Doorway Papers Series, Zondervan Publishing Company.
1997: Arthur Custance Online Library (HTML)
2001: 2nd Online Edition (design revisions)
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WHEN I first
became a Christian, there came into my hands three small volumes
by different authors dealing with what can most simply be described
as "difficulties" in the Bible. Each author dealt usefully--and
always interestingly--with passages in Scripture in which there
appeared to be conflicts between statements made elsewhere in
the Bible.
Perhaps because of the way my mind
worked at the time, I was tremendously concerned with statements
which my college mates often made to the effect that no one in
his right mind could believe in verbal inspiration once he realized
how frequently Scripture contradicted itself. As a young Christian
with a very firm belief in the inerrancy of the Word of God,
I was disturbed by this challenge because, although my skeptical
friends never seemed to know where these contradictions really
were, I was fully persuaded that they must have ample grounds
for their statements. As a consequence I devoured the substance
of these three little volumes and felt myself in due time very
well-equipped to deal with their accusations if the opportunity
arose again. But as so often happens, for one reason or another,
that opportunity never came. I suspect in the first place they
were not really convinced that the issue was of any importance
in any case. Moreover, I rather think that if I had been able
to produce, at the drop of a hat, a completely indisputable answer
to each challenge they raised, I should still not have been any
nearer to persuading them to what I believe.
It seems to me, now, that finding
answers in this way is important enough to the young Christian
who already believes, but it is apt to be an exercise in futility
when dealing with a total skeptic. There may be times when it
is important to stand up for the Truth and combat error simply
because error should be combated whenever
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possible. This makes
a man's unbelief inexcusable when he has been shown with certainty
that the grounds for it are false. But he will not be converted
to the Truth unless he already has a prompting by the Holy Spirit
in this direction.
Yet the existence of contradictions
is undeniable, and to ignore them is a mistake. In my own experience
it has never failed to be a blessing to my own soul to face up
to these problems and try to resolve them. I am inclined to believe
that many of them have been allowed--probably it would be even
truer to say that they have been designed of God--that
they might be a source of blessing and deeper understanding to
all who will seriously attempt their resolution.
Certain kinds of "difficulties"
of this nature in Scripture are easily recognized and comparatively
easily resolved. Another class of contradictions requires a much
more sophisticated approach, as I hope to show in this paper,
but it is an approach that is intellectually exciting and well
worth the effort of serious thought. There remains a small group
of contradictions which we seem at the present moment to have
insufficient information to resolve. But it is important to know
that not one of these, to my knowledge, touches upon anything
basic to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
These classes of contradiction
may be usefully summed up under four headings:
1. Those which appear to have arisen because
of error in transcription, especially where numbers are involved
in the Old Testament;
2. Those which are more apparent than real
and have steadily diminished in number as our knowledge of
the background of events in Scripture has increased;
3. Those which appear to have resulted where
conversation in one language has been reported in another
language, for example where the original statement in Aramaic
has subsequently been rendered into Greek by two or more different
writers--as in the Gospels;
4. Those contradictions in reports by individuals
who are independently setting forth what was done or what was
said, and whose disagreement does not arise because of the use
of a different language but for some other reason which appears
to render the contradiction as in no way accidental but
by design. This again is particularly true in the Gospels.
It was my original
intention to present this study as two separate
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papers, one dealing with
contradictions as a phenomenon of Scripture, and the other dealing
with the reasons for the existence of four rather than only one
inspired Gospel record. It soon became apparent, however, that
it was far better to combine the two papers and present them
as one.
Part of this paper, as will be
evident to any informed reader draws very heavily upon the works
of others. But the other part of it particularly chapter 2, is,
I believe, a somewhat new approach that underscores the fact
that a large number of so-called contradictions are not really
contradictions at all but essential to revelation. If they were
removed so completely that a "harmony of the Gospels"
came to be established as a substitute for the four Gospels we
now have, the sum total of revelation would be diminished beyond
measure and we should be spiritually impoverished. The very fact
that every attempt thus far to produce such a harmony has proved
unsatisfactory seems to me sufficient evidence that this kind
of truth can only be stated in contradictory terms, a fact which
demonstrates the necessity of contradiction in Scripture.
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Copyright © 1988 Evelyn White. All rights
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