of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Sovereignty of Grace
Part III
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In this part
there are four chapters which may seem out of place to those
who are familiar with the contents and format of most studies
of Calvinism. It is not usual to insert chapters which really
deal more with personal life and experience into a volume that
is otherwise strictly theological in argument. But I think it
is a mistake to divorce theology from experience in this way.
The first chapter is titled "The
Comfort of Calvinism" and to my mind there is tremendous
comfort in knowing that God is sovereign, that He is our loving
heavenly Father and we are his children, accepted in the Lord.
It is to our practical advantage
to explore how the sovereignty of God is worked out in the daily
relationships of life, and not merely how God deals with history
in a somewhat impersonal, wholly objective manner, as though
we ourselves were not part of the stream of it.
And there are some very satisfying
answers to some very practical problems. Some of these answers
become almost obvious and self-evident once we have distinguished
between certain terms commonly used in Scripture which have all
too frequently been treated as mere synonyms. I have in mind
such terms as the ways of God and the works of God, the wishes
of God and the will of God, righteousness and wickedness as opposed
to good and evil, and fruits as opposed to works, to name only
a few. I think it will become apparent, or at least I hope it
will, that there are real differences between these terms as
employed in Scripture, although we commonly use them imprecisely
and so surrender certain insights which might otherwise have
been gained by reading the Word of God more carefully.
If the reader should feel that
this particular section of the volume is really out of place
in a serious theological study, I hope he will nevertheless resist
the temptation to skip through to Part IV, which returns to a
more usual theological approach. For although Part III is a departure
to some extent, it deals with a very essential facet of the whole
problem of God's sovereignty in the affairs of men, especially
as it relates to personal life.
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own experience has in many ways been a complete departure from
what most of the Lord's children expect of life, but well over
forty years of living and walking with the Lord in spite of life's
vicissitudes have taught me that the certainty of God's sovereign
grace, and all that ensues from this certainty, can be the most
saving faith that a man can have.
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Copyright © 1988 Evelyn White. All rights
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