the Book
Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Vol.7: Hidden Things of God's
This volume
of the Doorway Papers, like Volume VI, contains a variety of
topics not specifically related to a theme. Yet second thought
suggests that the nature of these biblical studies are such that
most of them seem to give particular insight into God's ways
with men in history and revelation. Here can be found surprising
sources of delight. Each provides further proof that Scripture
has infinite resources to challenge both the mind and the heart
of the student who takes time to study even some of its less
promising portions -- the genealogies, for example.
The amazing thing is that Scripture has
equal appeal to the unsophisticated mind of a child and to the
revered scholar alike, the one being stirred in his imagination
and the other challenged in his intellect -- often while studying
the very same passages. Bearing everywhere the hallmarks of true
inspiration, its words are for children, its thoughts are for
men. No other such book as this was ever written.
The sequence of these papers are
presented here in virtually a reverse chronological order, taking
the reader from the present New Testament age further and further
back into the Old Testament and the distant past.
The first paper, "The Silences
of God," is so titled quite intentionally because I believe
there are several different kinds of silence, all of which
may challenge the faith of the child of God. There is the silence
of displeasure, the silence of mercy, the silence of discipline,
the silence of rebuke, the silence which is God's right whenever
He chooses not to explain: but there is never a silence of admitted
wrong, of acknowledged defeat, or of indifference. And there
are two classes of silence, the private and the public. All these
are grist for the mill. And the circumstances of the silences
of God in the face of human
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suffering over the past
two thousand years are given particular attention . . . along
with the evidence that God is once again beginning to break that
long silence in certain highly significant ways.
The second paper, "The Harmony
of Contradiction," is a beautiful illustration of how wise
God is in His mode of illuminating the heart and mind by using
a method that at first seems confusing or unnecessarily complicated.
In the Gospels this has provoked the writing of "harmonies",
a supposed improvement on the original. But in the end the original
proves vastly superior in its power of communicating profound
truths about the person and the character of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The third paper, "Some Striking
Fulfillments of Prophecy", might very well have been titled,
"A Tale of Two Cities," since this is really what it
is. The illustrations could be put on slides and used to show,
along with the text, that certain prophecies of a most unusual
kind were made and fulfilled in such circumstances that the fact
of long-range detailed prophetic insights is absolutely unquestionable.
The fourth paper, "Some Remarkable
Biblical Confirmations From Archaeology," is a survey of
certain less commonly reported details of confirmatory evidence,
particularly relating to the earlier portions of Genesis and
tending toward strengthening the faith of those who prefer to
accept the statements of Scripture in a precise literal sense
rather than in a generalized one. As will be seen, it is quite
possible that this evidence now carries us back to Adam's immediate
family -- almost therefore to the very threshold of man's creation.
The fifth paper, "The Genealogies
of the Bible," is a study intended to demonstrate that some
of the apparently most dry and uninspiring parts of Scripture
contain food for the soul as well as stimulation for the mind.
The important thing is that we should rediscover the delight
of Bible study even in these portions which we are tempted to
bypass. They are, after all, as much part of the Word of God
as Isaiah 53 or the first chapter of John's Gospel or I Corinthians
13 or Revelation 22.
The sixth paper, "A Translation
of Genesis 1:1 to 2:4 With Notes," reflects my own understanding
of what the Creation Week really signifies: namely, a reconstitution
of a world desolated in judgment just when man was about to be
introduced to assume dominion over it. In a period of six days,
working creatively at a highly accelerated rate, God restored
the environment in one particular region of the world that was
chosen to be the cradle of the race, making it a garden paradise.
It was intended that Adam should
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expand the boundaries
of this paradise until, with God's help, the whole earth would
become a scene of beautiful harmony and peace. As I see the situation,
the week of creation was thus a time of restoration and re-ordering
after a catastrophic judgment, the details of which are not given
in any depth except to tell us that ruin and desolation had existed
(Genesis 1: 2) when the process of recovery began in Genesis
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